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React JS Training in Gurgaon

React helps you to build powerful, fast, user-friendly, and reactive web apps that provide amazing user experiences by leveraging the power of JavaScript with ease. Training will help you gain expertise in styling react elements and components, Burger builder, the multi-page user interface in a single-page-app, redux, react-router. 

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Topics to be covered

    React JS Training gives far-reaching guidance on building web applications utilizing the React library. Members learn centre ideas, part-based improvement, state the board, and best practices for making current and versatile applications with React.
    This module will give you an overview of 

    1. Introduction
    2. What is React?
    3. Real-World SPAs & React Web Apps
    4. Writing our First React Code
    5. Why Should we Choose React?
    6. React Alternatives
    7. Understanding Single Page Applications and Multi Page Applications
    8. Course Outline
    9. How to get the Most out of This Course
    10. Useful Resources & Links


    Refreshing Cutting edge JavaScript (Discretionary) in React JS Training centres around acquainting members with current JavaScript highlights and punctuation, for example, bolt works, destructuring, spread administrators, and commitments. This information upgrades their capability to record as a hard copy proficient and succinct code while working with React.
    This module will give you an overview of

    1. Module Introduction
    2. Understanding "let" and "const"
    3. Arrow Functions
    4. Exports and Imports
    5. Understanding Classes
    6. Classes, Properties and Methods
    7. The Spread & Rest Operator
    8. Destructuring
    9. Reference and Primitive Types Refresher
    10. Refreshing Array Functions
    11. Wrap Up
    12. Next-Gen JavaScript - Summary
    13. JS Array Functions

    Figuring out the Base Highlights and Grammar in React JS Training gives members a strong groundwork for React improvement. They learn key ideas, language structure, and highlights like JSX, parts, props, state, lifecycle strategies, and occasions dealing with, empowering them to construct React applications successfully.
    This module will give you an overview of

    1. Module Introduction
    2. The Build Workflow
    3. Using Create React App
    4. Understanding the Folder Structure
    5. Understanding Component Basics
    6. Understanding JSX
    7. JSX Restrictions
    8. Creating a Functional Component
    9. Components & JSX Cheat Sheet
    10. Working with Components & Re-Using Them
    11. Outputting Dynamic Content
    12. Working with Props
    13. Understanding the Children Property
    14. Understanding & Using State
    15. Props & State
    16. Handling Events with Methods
    17. To Which Events Can You Listen?
    18. Manipulating the State
    19. Functional (Stateless) vs class (Stateful) Components
    20. Passing Method References Between Components
    21. Adding Two Way Binding
    22. Adding Styling with Stylesheets
    23. Working with Inline Styles

    Working with Records and Conditionals in React JS Training covers the execution of dynamic records and restrictive delivery in React applications. Members figure out how to proficiently deliver arrangements of information, handle key props, and restrictively show parts given specific circumstances, improving the adaptability and intuitiveness of React applications.
    This module will give you an overview of

    1. Module Introduction
    2. Rendering Content Conditionally
    3. Handling Dynamic Content "The JavaScript Way"
    4. Outputting Lists (Intro)
    5. Outputting Lists
    6. Lists & State
    7. Updating State Immutably
    8. Lists & Keys
    9. Flexible Lists
    10. Wrap Up
    11. Time to Practice - Lists & Conditionals

    Styling React Parts and Components in React JS Training centres around strategies to apply CSS styles to React parts and components. Members learn inline styles, CSS modules, and famous styling libraries to make outwardly engaging and responsive UIs inside React applications.
    This module will give you an overview of

    1. Module Introduction
    2. Outlining the Problem Set
    3. Setting Styles Dynamically
    4. Setting Class Names Dynamically
    5. Adding and Using Radium
    6. Using Radium for Media Queries
    7. MUST READ: Enabling CSS Modules
    8. Enabling & Using CSS Modules
    9. More on CSS Modules
    10. Adding Pseudo Selectors
    11. Working with Media Queries
    12. Useful Resources & Links


    Troubleshooting React Applications Training in React JS Training outfits members with strategies to troubleshoot React applications. They figure out how to recognize and determine normal blunders, use investigating devices, and carry out prescribed procedures for investigating and streamlining React code.
    This module will give you an overview of

    1. Module Introduction
    2. Understanding Error Messages
    3. Finding Logical Errors by using Dev Tools & Sourcemaps
    4. Working with the React Developer Tools
    5. Using Error Boundaries (React 16+)

    Jumping Further into Parts and React Inward in React JS Training digs into cutting-edge points like higher-request parts, setting Programming interface, React snares, execution improvement, and React internals, engaging members to construct more perplexing and effective React applications.
    This module will give you an overview of

    1. Module Introduction
    2. A Better Project Structure
    3. Splitting an App Into Components
    4. Comparing Stateless and Stateful Components
    5. Understanding the Component Lifecycle
    6. Converting Stateless to Stateful Components
    7. Component Creation Lifecycle in Action
    8. componentWillUnmount()
    9. Component Updating Lifecycle Hooks
    10. Component Updating Lifecycle in Action
    11. Updating Lifecycle Hooks (Triggered by State Changes)
    12. Performance Gains with PureComponents
    13. How React Updates the App & Component Tree
    14. Understanding React's DOM Updating Strategy
    15. Windows Users Must Read - File Downloads
    16. Returning Adjacent Elements (React 16+)
    17. React 16.2 Feature: Fragments
    18. Understanding Higher Order Components (HOCs)
    19. A Different Approach to HOCs
    20. Passing Unknown Props
    21. Using setState Correctly
    22. Validating Props
    23. Available PropTypes
    24. Using References ("ref")
    25. More on the React ref API (16.3)
    26. The Context API (React 16.3)
    27. More on the Context API (16.6)
    28. Updated Lifecycle Hooks (React 16.3)
    29. The "memo" Method (16.4)


    Contacting the Internet (HTTP/Ajax) in React JS Training shows members how to make HTTP demands and handle AJAX cooperations inside React applications. Furthermore, they figure out how to bring information from APIs, handle reactions, and update the UI powerfully with the recovered information.
    This module will give you an overview of

    1. Module Introduction
    2. Planning an App in React - Core Steps
    3. Planning our App - Layout and Component Tree\
    4. Planning the State
    5. Setting up the Project
    6. Creating a Layout Component
    7. Starting Implementation of The Burger Builder Container
    8. Adding a Dynamic Ingredient Component
    9. Adding Prop Type Validation
    10. Starting the Burger Component\
    11. Outputting Burger Ingredients Dynamically\
    12. Calculating the Ingredient Sum Dynamically
    13. Adding the Build Control Component
    14. Outputting Multiple Build Controls
    15. Connecting State to Build Controls
    16. Removing Ingredients Safely
    17. Displaying and Updating the Burger Price
    18. Adding the Order Button
    19. Creating the Order Summary Modal
    20. Showing & Hiding the Modal (with Animation!)
    21. Implementing the Backdrop Component
    22. Adding a Custom Button Component
    23. Implementing the Button Component
    24. Adding the Price to the Order Summary
    25. Adding a Toolbar
    26. Using a Logo in our Application
    27. Adding Reusable Navigation Items
    28. Creating a Responsive Sidedrawer
    29. Working on Responsive Adjustments
    30. More about Responsive Adjustments
    31. Reusing the Backdrop
    32. Adding a Sidedrawer Toggle Button
    33. Adding a Hamburger Icon
    34. Improving the App - Introduction
    35. Prop Type Validation
    36. Improving Performance
    37. Using Component Lifecycle Methods
    38. Changing the Folder Structure

    The Burger Developer (Essential Form) in React JS Training guides members in building a total burger-requesting application utilizing React. They learn to state the board, structure taking care of, directing, and other key ideas while fostering a utilitarian burger developer application.
    This module will give you an overview of

    1. Module Introduction
    2. Understanding Http Requests in React
    3. Understanding our Project and Introducing Axios
    4. Creating a Http Request to GET Data
    5. Rendering Fetched Data to the Screen
    6. Transforming Data
    7. Making a Post Selectable
    8. Fetching Data on Update (without Creating Infinite Loops)
    9. POSTing Data to the Server
    10. Sending a DELETE Request
    11. Fixing a Bug
    12. Handling Errors Locally
    13. Adding Interceptors to Execute Code Globally
    14. Removing Interceptors
    15. Setting a Default Global Configuration for Axios
    16. Creating and Using Axios Instances


    Getting to a Server in React JS Training shows members how to associate their burger developer application to a backend server. They figure out how to send and recover information from the server, handle validation, and oversee the state utilizing Revival or other state-the-board arrangements.
    This module will give you an overview of

    1. Module Introduction
    2. Firebase & The Right Database
    3. Creating the Firebase Project
    4. Creating the Axios Instance
    5. Sending a POST Request
    6. Displaying a Spinner while Sending a Request
    7. Handling Errors
    8. Retrieving Data from the Backend
    9. Removing Old Interceptors
    10. Useful Resources & Links

    Multi-Page-Feeling in a Solitary Page-Application: Steering in React JS Training covers progressed directing ideas utilizing React Switch. Members figure out how to execute settled courses, dynamic directing, course monitors, and routes, empowering the making of multi-page-like encounters inside a solitary page React application.
    This module will give you an overview of

    1. Module Introduction
    2. Routing and SPAs
    3. Setting Up Links
    4. Setting Up the Router Package
    5. react-router vs react-router-dom
    6. Preparing the Project For Routing
    7. Setting Up and Rendering Routes


    1. Rendering Components for Routes
    2. Switching Between Pages
    3. Using Links to Switch Pages
    4. Using Routing-Related Props
    5. The "withRouter" HOC & Route Props
    6. Absolute vs Relative Paths
    7. Absolute vs Relative Paths (Article)
    8. Styling the Active Route
    9. Passing Route Parameters
    10. Extracting Route Parameters
    11. Parsing Query Parameters & the Fragment
    12. Using Switch to Load a Single Route
    13. Navigating Programmatically
    14. Additional Information Regarding Active Links
    15. Understanding Nested Routes
    16. Creating Dynamic Nested Routes
    17. Redirecting Requests
    18. Conditional Redirects
    19. Using the History Prop to Redirect (Replace)
    20. Working with Guards
    21. Handling the 404 Case (Unknown Routes)
    22. Loading Routes Lazily
    23. Lazy Loading with React Suspense (16.6)
    24. Routing and Server Deployment
    25. Time to Practice – Routing

    Adding Directing to our Burger Task in React JS Training shows members how to steer in the burger manufacturer application. They figure out how to arrange courses, make route joins, and progressively render various parts in light of the ongoing course, improving the general client experience.
    This module will give you an overview of

    1. Module Introduction
    2. Building the Checkout Container
    3. Setting Up Routing & Routes
    4. Navigating to the Checkout Page
    5. Navigating Back & To Next Page
    6. Passing Ingredients via Query Params
    7. Navigating to the Contact Data Component
    8. Order Submission & Passing Data Between Pages
    9. Adding an Orders Page
    10. Implementing Navigation Links
    11. Fetching Orders
    12. Outputting the Orders

    Structures and Structure Approval Training in React JS covers the execution of structure dealing with and approval in React applications. Members figure out how to make controlled and uncontrolled structures, handle client input, execute approval rationale, and show blunder messages, guaranteeing information uprightness and easy-to-understand structures.
    This module will give you an overview of

    1. Module Introduction
    2. Analyzing the App
    3. Creating a Custom Dynamic Input Component
    4. Setting Up a JS Config for the Form
    5. Dynamically Create Inputs based on JS Config
    6. Adding a Dropdown Component
    7. Handling User Input
    8. Handling Form Submission
    9. Adding Custom Form Validation
    10. Fixing a Common Validation Gotcha
    11. Adding Validation Feedback
    12. Improving Visual Feedback
    13. Showing Error Messages
    14. Handling Overall Form Validity
    15. Working on an Error

    Revival Training in React JS covers the execution of Revival for the state of the executives in React applications. Members figure out how to make activities, minimizers, and the Revival store, empowering unified state the executives and effective information stream inside their React projects
    This module will give you an overview of

    1. Module Introduction
    2. Understanding State
    3. The Complexity of Managing State
    4. Understanding the Redux Flow
    5. Setting Up Reducer and Store
    6. Dispatching Actions
    7. Adding Subscriptions
    8. Connecting React to Redux
    9. Connecting the Store to React
    10. Dispatching Actions from within the Component
    11. Time to Practice - Dispatching Actions
    12. Passing and Retrieving Data with Action
    13. Switch-Case in the Reducer
    14. Updating State Immutably
    15. Updating Arrays Immutably
    16. Immutable Update Patterns
    17. Outsourcing Action Types
    18. Combining Multiple Reducers
    19. Understanding State Types
    20. Time to Practice - Redux Basics
    21. Combining Local UI State and Redux

    Adding Revival to our Venture in React JS Training guides members on coordinating Revival for the state of the executives in their React applications. They figure out how to set up the Revival store, characterize activities and minimizers, and associate parts to Revival, empowering the effective and versatile state of the board.
    This module will give you an overview of

    1. Module Introduction
    2. Installing Redux and React Redux
    3. Basic Redux Setup
    4. Finishing the Reducer for Ingredients
    5. Connecting the Burger Builder Container to our Store
    6. Working on the Total Price Calculation
    7. Redux & UI State
    8. Adjusting Checkout and Contact Data

    Revival Progressed Training in React JS digs into cutting-edge ideas, for example, middleware, async activities, changelessness, and high-level Revival designs. Members gain a more profound comprehension of Revival and learn progressed procedures for the productive state of the executives in React applications.
    This module will give you an overview of

    1. Module Introduction
    2. Adding Middleware
    3. Using the Redux Devtools
    4. Executing Asynchronous Code - Introduction
    5. Introducing Action Creators
    6. Action Creators & Async Code
    7. Handling Asynchronous Code
    8. Restructuring Actions
    9. Where to Put Data Transforming Logic?
    10. Using Action Creators and Get State
    11. Using Utility Functions
    12. A Leaner Switch Case Statement
    13. An Alternative Folder Structure
    14. Diving Much Deeper

    Burger Task in React JS Training centres around carrying out cutting-edge Revival ideas in the burger developer application. Members figure out how to deal with async activities, execute middleware, use selectors, and enhance the Revival store for a consistent and productive burger-requesting experience.
    This module will give you an overview of

    1. Module Introduction
    2. Installing the Redux Devtools
    3. Preparing the Folder Structure
    4. Creating Action Creators
    5. Executing Asynchronous Code
    6. Fetching Ingredients Asynchronously
    7. Initializing Ingredients in the BurgerBuilder
    8. Changing the Order of our Ingredients Manually
    9. Adding Order Actions
    10. Connecting Contact Data Container & Actions
    11. The Order Reducer
    12. Working on Order Actions
    13. Redirect to Improve UX
    14. Combining Reducers
    15. Handling Purchases & Updating the UI
    16. Resetting the Price after Purchases
    17. Fetching Orders (via Redux)
    18. Checking our Implemented Functionalities
    19. Refactoring Reducers
    20. Refactoring Reducers Continued

    Adding Confirmation to our Burger Task in React JS Training shows members how to execute client verification and approval in the Burger developer application. In addition, they figure out how to deal with client enrollment, login, logout, and secure admittance to safeguarded courses utilizing confirmation components like tokens or meeting the board.
    This module will give you an overview of

    1. Module Introduction
    2. Understanding Authentication in Single Page Applications
    3. Required App Adjustments
    4. Adding an Auth Form
    5. Adding Actions
    6. Getting a Token from the Backend
    7. Adding Sign-In
    8. Storing the Token
    9. Adding a Spinner
    10. Logging Users Out
    11. Accessing Protected Resources
    12. Updating the UI Depending on Auth State
    13. Adding a Logout Link
    14. Forwarding Unauthenticated Users
    15. Redirecting the User to the Checkout Page
    16. Persistent Auth State with localStorage
    17. Fixing Connect + Routing Errors
    18. Ensuring App Security
    19. Guarding Routes
    20. Displaying User Specific Orders

    Further developing our Burger Undertaking in React JS Training centres around upgrading the burger manufacturer application by executing extra elements, further developing UI/UX, improving execution, and following prescribed procedures to make a vigorous and clean eventual outcome.
    This module will give you an overview of

    1. Module Introduction
    2. Fixing the Redirect to the Frontpage
    3. Using updateObject in the Entire App
    4. Sharing the Validation Method
    5. Using Environment Variables
    6. Removing console.log()s
    7. Adding Lazy Loading

    Testing in React JS Training covers different testing strategies and apparatuses for React applications. Members figure out how to compose unit tests, incorporation tests, and start-to-finish tests utilizing structures like Quip and React Testing Library to guarantee the dependability and nature of their React projects.
    This module will give you an overview of

    1. Module Introduction
    2. What is Testing?
    3. Required Testing Tools
    4. What To Test?
    5. Writing our First Test
    6. Testing Components Continued
    7. Jest and Enzyme Documentations
    8. Testing Components Correctly\
    9. Testing Containers
    10. How to Test Redux

    Sending the Application to the Internet in React JS Training shows members how to convey their React applications to the web. They learn about facilitating choices, designing form processes, streamlining resources, and sending to stages like Heroku, Netlify, or AWS.
    This module will give you an overview of

    1. Module Introduction
    2. Deployment Steps
    3. Building the Project
    4. Example: Deploying on Firebase

Course Description

    Gyansetu React Certification will help you build powerful, fast, user-friendly and reactive web apps that provide amazing user experiences by leveraging the power of JavaScript with ease. Training program will cover real time use cases on ECommerce, Retail, Banking, Finance, etc. 
    Requirements to start React Training:
    • JavaScript + HTML + CSS fundamentals are required
    • You DON'T need to be a JavaScript expert to succeed in this course!
    • ES6+ JavaScript knowledge is beneficial but not a must-have
    • NO prior React or any other JS framework experience is required!

    After completion of React Training, you will be able to:

    –Understand the Base Features & Syntax

    –Working with Lists and Conditionals

    –Styling React Components & Elements

    –Debugging React Apps

    –Diving Deeper into Components & React Internal

    –A Real App: The Burger Builder (Basic Version)

    –Reaching out to the Web (Http / Ajax)

    –Burger Builder Project: Accessing a Server

    –Multi-Page-Feeling in a Single-Page-App: Routing

    –Adding Routing to our Burger Project

    –Forms and Form Validation


    –Adding Redux to our Project

    –Redux Advanced

    –Redux Advanced: Burger Project

    –Adding Authentication to our Burger Project

    –Improving our Burger Project


    –Deploying the App to the Web

    We at Gyansetu understand that teaching any course is not difficult but to make someone job-ready is the essential task. That's why we have prepared capstone projects which will drive your learning through real-time industry scenarios and help you clearing interviews.

    All the advanced level topics will be covered at Gyansetu in a classroom/online Instructor-led mode with recordings.

    No prerequisites. This course is for beginners.

    Gyansetu is providing complimentary placement service to all students. Gyansetu Placement Team consistently works on industry collaboration and associations which help our students to find their dream job right after the completion of training.

    • Our placement team will add React JS skills & projects to your CV and update your profile on Job search engines like Naukri, Indeed, Monster, etc. This will increase your profile visibility in top recruiter search and ultimately increase interview calls by 5x.
    • Our faculty offers extended support to students by clearing doubts faced during the interview and preparing them for the upcoming interviews.
    • Gyansetu’s Students are currently working in Companies like Sapient, Capgemini, TCS, Sopra, HCL, Birlasoft, Wipro, Accenture, Zomato, Ola Cabs, Oyo Rooms, etc.
    • Gyansetu trainers are well known in Industry; who are highly qualified and currently working in top MNCs.
    • We provide interaction with faculty before the course starts.
    • Our experts help students in learning Technology from basics, even if you are not good at basic programming skills, don’t worry! We will help you.
    • Faculties will help you in preparing project reports & presentations.
    • Students will be provided Mentoring sessions by Experts.


React Certification




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    1. Module Introduction
    2. Installing the Redux Devtools
    3. Preparing the Folder Structure
    4. Creating Action Creators
    5. Executing Asynchronous Code
    6. Fetching Ingredients Asynchronously
    7. Initializing Ingredients in the BurgerBuilder
    8. Changing the Order of our Ingredients Manually
    9. Adding Order Actions
    10. Connecting Contact Data Container & Actions
    11. The Order Reducer
    12. Working on Order Actions
    13. Redirect to Improve UX
    14. Combining Reducers
    15. Handling Purchases & Updating the UI
    16. Resetting the Price after Purchases
    17. Fetching Orders (via Redux)
    18. Checking our Implemented Functionalities
    19. Refactoring Reducers
    20. Refactoring Reducers Continued

React JS Training in Gurgaon Features

Frequently Asked Questions

    We have seen getting a relevant interview call is not a big challenge in your case. Our placement team consistently works on industry collaboration and associations which help our students to find their dream job right after the completion of training. We help you prepare your CV by adding relevant projects and skills once 80% of the course is completed. Our placement team will update your profile on Job Portals, this increases relevant interview calls by 5x.

    Interview selection depends on your knowledge and learning. As per the past trend, initial 5 interviews is a learning experience of

    • What type of technical questions are asked in interviews?
    • What are their expectations?
    • How should you prepare?

    Our faculty team will constantly support you during interviews. Usually, students get job after appearing in 6-7 interviews.

    We have seen getting a technical interview call is a challenge at times. Most of the time you receive sales job calls/ backend job calls/ BPO job calls. No Worries!! Our Placement team will prepare your CV in such a way that you will have a good number of technical interview calls. We will provide you interview preparation sessions and make you job ready. Our placement team consistently works on industry collaboration and associations which help our students to find their dream job right after the completion of training. Our placement team will update your profile on Job Portals, this increases relevant interview call by 3x

    Interview selection depends on your knowledge and learning. As per the past trend, initial 8 interviews is a learning experience of

    • What type of technical questions are asked in interviews?
    • What are their expectations?
    • How should you prepare?

    Our faculty team will constantly support you during interviews. Usually, students get job after appearing in 6-7 interviews.

    We have seen getting a technical interview call is hardly possible. Gyansetu provides internship opportunities to the non-working students so they have some industry exposure before they appear in interviews. Internship experience adds a lot of value to your CV and our placement team will prepare your CV in such a way that you will have a good number of interview calls. We will provide you interview preparation sessions and make you job ready. Our placement team consistently works on industry collaboration and associations which help our students to find their dream job right after the completion of training and we will update your profile on Job Portals, this increases relevant interview call by 3x

    Interview selection depends on your knowledge and learning. As per the past trend, initial 8 interviews is a learning experience of

    • What type of technical questions are asked in interviews?
    • What are their expectations?
    • How should you prepare?

    Our faculty team will constantly support you during interviews. Usually, students get job after appearing in 6-7 interviews.

    Yes, a one-to-one faculty discussion and demo session will be provided before admission. We understand the importance of trust between you and the trainer. We will be happy if you clear all your queries before you start classes with us.

    We understand the importance of every session. Sessions recording will be shared with you and in case of any query, faculty will give you extra time to answer your queries.

    Yes, we understand that self-learning is most crucial and for the same we provide students with PPTs, PDFs, class recordings, lab sessions, etc, so that a student can get a good handle of these topics.

    We provide an option to retake the course within 3 months from the completion of your course, so that you get more time to learn the concepts and do the best in your interviews.

    We believe in the concept that having less students is the best way to pay attention to each student individually and for the same our batch size varies between 5-10 people.

    Yes, we have batches available on weekends. We understand many students are in jobs and it's difficult to take time for training on weekdays. Batch timings need to be checked with our counsellors.

    Yes, we have batches available on weekdays but in limited time slots. Since most of our trainers are working, so either the batches are available in morning hours or in the evening hours. You need to contact our counsellors to know more on this.

    Total duration of the course is 60 hours (30 hours of live instructor-led-training and 30 hours of self-paced learning).

    You don’t need to pay anyone for software installation, our faculties will provide you all the required softwares and will assist you in the complete installation process.

    Our faculties will help you in resolving your queries during and after the course.

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