Is it possible to do a job in data science with post-graduation?

Is it possible to do a job in data science with post-graduation

Yes. It is possible to do a job in data science with a postgraduate. The area of data science proceeds to flourish into one of the most exhilarating domains in the corporate realm. Today’s data scientists can influence huge datasets to analyse a business’s difficulty, apply algorithms to evaluate the data, craft an explanation, and… Continue reading Is it possible to do a job in data science with post-graduation?

Is a master’s in data science worth it?

Is a master’s in data science worth it?

In today’s world, data science is considered one of the fastest-growing sectors, providing numerous job opportunities. Firms and organisations of all scales and industries are looking for data-perceptive professionals that can successfully build value and profit from the large volumes of data accessible.  As an interdisciplinary domain, data science wields scientific techniques, processes, algorithms, and… Continue reading Is a master’s in data science worth it?

Do Most Data Science Careers Require an Advanced Degree?

Do Most Data Science Careers Require an Advanced Degree - gyansetu

Jobs in the field of computer science technology require educational training, and an advanced degree is often further required for various data science degrees. As with many professions, data science jobs Individuals wanting to pursue a career in this field generally require at least a bachelor’s degree. But many jobs in this sector need a… Continue reading Do Most Data Science Careers Require an Advanced Degree?

4 best jobs after doing an online Masters in Data Science

4 best jobs after doing an online Masters in Data Science - gyansetu

Data science has earned a lot of demand in today’s world because it facilitates organisations to process and analyse data easily and competently. Executives and companies thereby use this data to make better business developments, derive better results, navigate growth, and execute excellent performance. A master’s degree in the field of data science unlocks the… Continue reading 4 best jobs after doing an online Masters in Data Science

Future Scope of Python in India

Developers have access to a dizzying array of programming languages, making it difficult to concentrate on just one. The future scope of Python in India is one of the most important concerns for programmers. IT behemoths like Google use this fluid programming language, IBM, Netflix, and many more to create accurate and unambiguous programs. It… Continue reading Future Scope of Python in India

What is Machine Learning and How is it making our World a Better Place

What is Machine Learning and How is it making our World a Better Place

Well, to put it in simple words, machine learning is an extensively algorithm driven study which makes computer/device/software capable of learning on the basis of their own previous experience and improve the performance of a task. It also gives machines/software ability to analyze, predict and sort huge amounts of data. You Use a smart home… Continue reading What is Machine Learning and How is it making our World a Better Place

Difference between data science, data analytics and Machine Learning

Difference between data science, data analytics and Machine Learning

So, it’s 2021 and the word is spread about the Data boom. There are Tech Giants like Facebook, Amazon, and Google constantly working in the field of Machine learning and Data Science. We all know that Machine learning, Data Science, and Data analytics is the future. There are companies like Cambridge Analytica and other data analytics… Continue reading Difference between data science, data analytics and Machine Learning

Regression vs Classification in Machine Learning

What is Machine Learning? Machine Learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence which lets the machine to discover pattern from the data, draw insights and helps in decision making. The mathematical model is built and it is trained on the sample data. Different types of learning are Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, semi-supervised learning, Reinforcement Learning,… Continue reading Regression vs Classification in Machine Learning

Coronavirus: How AI and Data Science can help to fight the Pandemic

A deadly “CORONAVIRUS” in December 2019 appeared for the first time in Wuhan, China. This coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is rapidly spreading to other parts of the world at an alarming rate. With the help of Artificial Intelligence: Data Science, Machine Learning, and Deep learning we can definitely wrangle data and get more insights about the disease… Continue reading Coronavirus: How AI and Data Science can help to fight the Pandemic

What is Neural Network in AI ?

  Artificial Intelligence – A device takes in information, does some processing to complete the task successfully. A system that perceives information from the environment understands and interprets the data to take required action is known as Artificial intelligence machines. A system that maximizes its chance of success by properly analyzing data is the core of… Continue reading What is Neural Network in AI ?