iClass Gyansetu

iClass Gyansetu

    Introduction to SAS Visual Analytics: A Comprehensive Overview

    SAS Visual Analytics is a tool that helps people explore data and find useful information. It works for all kinds of users, whether they are experts in data analysis or not. With it, you can check data to solve problems and see how different pieces of data are connected. You can also make and share… Continue reading Introduction to SAS Visual Analytics: A Comprehensive Overview

    50+ Power BI interview questions

    Q1. What is Power BI? Microsoft’s Power BI is a robust business analytics tool that can transform diverse, disconnected data sources into interactive and valuable insights. These sources may include Excel spreadsheets or hybrid data warehouses hosted on-premises or in the cloud. With Power BI, you can effortlessly connect to all your data sources and… Continue reading 50+ Power BI interview questions

    Power BI versus Excel: Detailed Comparison

    In today’s tech-driven business world, everything is based on statistics and data, so the existence of tools that enable us to analyze data intuitively and quickly and transform large databases into discernible information is crucial. In addition, more and more corporations have begun to realize the significance of data analysis and how it is directly… Continue reading Power BI versus Excel: Detailed Comparison

    Top 10 Excel jobs for fresher

    Excel is more than just a spreadsheet software. It has become an essential tool in business, from stock analysis to sales tracking. With 82% of jobs requiring Excel skills, it’s no surprise that certified Excel proficiency can increase earning potential by 12%. Excel job knowledge can also open doors to job opportunities, especially for those… Continue reading Top 10 Excel jobs for fresher

    How to Find the best Excel Job Work From Home

    If you’re looking for an Excel Job Work From Home, you’re in luck! The demand for computer skills, including proficiency in spreadsheets, has increased in middle-skill jobs over the past two years, according to a study based on 27 million job listings on various recruitment sites. As a result, top employers seek workers with killer… Continue reading How to Find the best Excel Job Work From Home

    Excel vs google sheets: Detailed Comparison

    Excel vs Google Sheets is another never-ending debate, along with Kanye west vs Taylor swift, and Cheetos vs Doritos; you just can’t decide which one is better. So, we are here to help you choose between Excel and Google Sheets.  Read further for a detailed guide with everything you need about Excel vs Google Sheets. … Continue reading Excel vs google sheets: Detailed Comparison

    200+ Excel Keyboard shortcuts

    Do you find yourself spending too much time clicking through Excel’s menus and ribbons? Well, there’s a faster way to navigate through excel keyboard shortcuts Excel has over 200 keyboard shortcuts that can help you streamline your work and increase your productivity. With these Excel Keyboard shortcuts, you can quickly perform basic navigation tasks, as… Continue reading 200+ Excel Keyboard shortcuts

    Power bi vs grafana: detailed comparison

    When choosing a visualization and a data analytics tool that is visually appealing and provides interactive insights, Power BI and Grafana are two of the most popular names that come to anyone’s mind. But choosing between them can be a confusing and difficult task. This is why in this article, we will talk about Power… Continue reading Power bi vs grafana: detailed comparison

    70+ power bi MCQ and answers with explanation

    Are you preparing for a Power BI certification exam or looking to brush up on your knowledge of this powerful business intelligence tool? Look no further! In this article, we’ve compiled a list of 70+ power BI MCQs along with detailed explanations of the answers. Power BI is a suite of business analytics tools that… Continue reading 70+ power bi MCQ and answers with explanation

    Excel topics for data analysis

    Excel topics for data analysis

    Data analysis is the method or system of analyzing, transforming, and cleansing raw data to procure usable and pertinent information that can help companies make effective decisions and take their operations to new heights. By providing relevant data and insights, generally presented in photos, graphs, tables, and charts, this process or technique helps lessen the… Continue reading Excel topics for data analysis

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