The Digital Universe is projected to expand to 44 trillion gigabytes by 2020, with approximately 3 quintillion bytes of data generated daily, driving a significant demand for AI professionals. This Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence course in Gurgaon offers real-world scenarios covering analytics areas such as Prediction Analysis, Linear Regression, Image Processing, Audio and Video Analytics, Text Data Processing, IoT, and a variety of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms.

Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence course in gurgaon

Key Highlights

100% Placement Support
Free Course Repeat Till You Get Job
Mock Interview Sessions
1:1 Doubt Clearing Sessions
Flexible Schedules
Real-time Industry Projects

Placement Stats

Maximum salary hike
Average salary hike

Our Alumni in Top Companies

Batches Timing for Deep Learning And AI Course

Track Weekdays (Tue-Fri) Weekends (Sat-Sun) Fast Track
Course Duration 3 Months 4 Months 30 Days
Hours Per Day 2 Hours 3 Hours 5 Hours
Training Mode Classroom/Online Classroom/Online Classroom/Online

Deep Learning & AI Certification

Earn your Certificate after the completion of the course.

This certification helps you gain skills and knowledge to jump start journey towards becoming a successful Deep Learning & AI Certified Professional.

Post your Certificate on LinkedIn, Meta, Twitter and get recognition of the Hiring Managers from the top-notch companies.

Course Curriculum

Gyansetu’s Deep Learning and AI Certification training, offered by a prominent Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence institute in Gurgaon, will help you revise the basics of machine learning and advance towards Deep Learning and Neural Networks. The course emphasizes topics such as CNN, RNN, RCNN, LSTM, RBM, GAN, and more.

Introduction to NLP 7 Topics
  • Overview of Text Mining
  • Need of Text Mining
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Text Mining
  • Applications of Text Mining
  • Reading and Writing to files
  • Setting the NLTK Environment
  • Accessing the NLTK Corpora
Extracting, Cleaning and Preprocessing Text 9 Topics
  • Tokenization
  • Frequency Distribution
  • Different Types of Tokenizers
  • Bigrams, Trigrams & N-grams
  • Stemming
  • Lemmatization
  • Stop words
  • POS Tagging
  • Named Entity Recognition
Analyzing Sentence Structure 4 Topics
  • Syntax Trees
  • Chunking
  • Context Free Grammars (CFG)
  • Automating Text Paraphrasing
  • Machine Learning: Brush Up
  • Bag of Words
  • Count Vectorizer
  • Term Frequency (TF)
  • Inverse Document Frequency (IDF)
  • What is Deep Learning?
  • Curse of Dimensionality
  • Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning
  • Use cases of Deep Learning
  • Human Brain vs. Neural Network
  • What is Perceptron?
  • Learning Rate, Epoch, Batch Size
  • Activation Function
  • Single Layer Perceptron
  • Introduction to TensorFlow 2.x
  • Installing TensorFlow 2.x
  • Defining Sequence model layers
  • Activation Function
  • Layer Types
  • Model Compilation, Model Optimizer, Model Loss Function, Model Training
  • Digit Classification using Neural Network in TensorFlow 2.x
  • Improving the model
  • Adding Hidden Layer and Dropout Layer
  • Using Adam Optimizer
  • Image Classification Example
  • What is Convolution?
  • Convolutional Layer
  • Filtering
  • ReLU Layer
  • Pooling
  • Data Flattening
  • Fully Connected Layer
  • Predicting a cat or a dog
  • Saving and Loading a Model
  • Regional-CNN
  • Selective Search Algorithm
  • Bounding Box Regression
  • SVM in RCNN
  • Pre-trained Model
  • Model Accuracy, Model Inference Time, Model Size Comparison
  • Transfer Learning
  • Object Detection – Evaluation
  • mAP
  • IoU
  • RCNN – Speed Bottleneck
  • Fast R-CNN
  • RoI Pooling
  • Fast R-CNN – Speed Bottleneck
  • Faster R-CNN
  • Feature Pyramid Network (FPN)
  • Regional Proposal Network (RPN)
  • Mask R-CNN
  • What is Boltzmann Machine (BM)?
  • Identify the issues with BM
  • Why did RBM come into the picture?
  • Step-by-step implementation of RBM
  • Distribution of Boltzmann Machine
  • Understanding Autoencoders
  • Architecture of Autoencoders
  • Brief on types of Autoencoders
  • Applications of Autoencoders
  • Which Face is Fake?
  • Understanding GAN
  • What is Generative Adversarial Network?
  • How does GAN work?
  • Step by step Generative Adversarial Network implementation
  • Types of GAN
  • Recent Advances: GAN
  • Issues with Feed Forward Network
  • Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
  • Architecture and Implementation of RNN
  • Backpropagation and Loss calculation
  • Applications of RNN
  • Vanishing Gradient
  • Exploding Gradient
  • What is GRU?
  • Components of GRU
  • Update gate, Reset Gat
  • Current memory content
  • Final memory at current time step
  • What is LSTM?
  • Structure of LSTM
  • Forget Gate, Input Gate, Output Gate
  • LSTM architecture
  • Types of Sequence-Based Model
  • Sequence Prediction
  • Sequence Classification
  • Sequence Generation
  • Types of LSTM
  • Vanilla LSTM, Stacked LSTM, CNN LSTM, Bidirectional LSTM
  • How to increase the efficiency of the model?
  • Backpropagation through time
  • Workflow of BPTT
  • Auto Image Captioning
  • COCO dataset
  • Pre-trained model
  • Inception V3 model
  • The architecture of Inception V3
  • Modify last layer of pre-trained model
  • Freeze model
  • CNN for image processing
  • LSTM or text processing
  • What is OpenCV? Usage?
  • Applications of OpenCV
  • Demo: Build a Face Recognition / Criminal Identification System
  • Use Case: Amazon’s Virtual Try-Out Room.
  • Why Deploy models?
  • Model Deployment: Intuit AI models
  • Model Deployment: Instagram’s Image Classification Models
  • What is Model Deployment?
  • Types of Model Deployment Techniques
  • TensorFlow Serving
  • Browser-based Models
  • What is TensorFlow Serving?
  • What are Servables?
  • Demo: Deploy the Model in Practice using TensorFlow Serving
  • Introduction to Browser based Models
  • Demo: Deploy a Deep Learning Model in your Browser.

Industry Ready Projects

Designed by Industry Experts
Get Real-World Experience
AI-Powered Personalized Recommendation System for E-commerce

This project uses AI Algorithms and deep learning based recommendation models to develop recommendation system for e-commerce platforms. AI model predicts user preferences and relevant products to individual interests by analysing user behaviour and purchase history. The models refines its recommendations through continuous learning and feedbacks. The AI -driven solution enhances customer satisfaction, increase sales and overall conversion rate.

Autonomous Drone Navigation and Object Detection

Using combination of deep learning and artificial intelligence techniques and algorithms like CNN, YOLO (You Only Look Once) to develop autonomous drone navigation and object detection systems. Integrating the deep neural networks with sensors like cameras, gps, the drove learns to perceive its environment and navigate safely.  This technology helps in surveillance, search and rescue operations, infrastructure monitoring.

Hours of content
Live sessions
Tools and software

Skills you can add in your CV after this course

Tools Covered

power bi course in gurgaon
Who is this course for?
  • Aspiring Data Scientists/ AI Professionals
  • Software Developers
  • Robotics Engineers
  • Computer Vision and Speech Recognition Specialists
  • Academic Researchers
  • Game Developers

Career Assistance we offer

Job Opportunities Guaranteed

Get a 100% Guaranteed Interview Opportunities Post Completion of the training.

Access to Job Application & Alumni Network

Get chance to connect with Hiring partners from top startups and product-based companies.

Mock Interview Session

Get One-On-One Mock Interview Session with our Experts. They will provide continuous feedback and improvement plan until you get a job in industry.

Live Interactive Sessions

Live interactive sessions with industry experts to gain knowledge on the skills expected by companies. Solve practice sheets on interview questions to help crack interviews.

Career Oriented Sessions

Personalized career focused sessions to guide on current interview trends, personality development, soft skill and HR related questions.

Resume & Naukri Profile Building

Get help in creating resume & Naukri Profile from our placement team and learn how to grab attention of HR’s for shortlisting your profile.

Top Companies Hiring


Contact Gyansetu Learner Support

Our Learners Testimonials

Shruti Aggarwal
Gyansetu's practical learning methodologies have been invaluable. Institute focuses on hands-on projects and industry-relevant curriculum equipped me with the skills needed to analyze complex datasets and derive actionable insights for my organization.
Nitish Gaur
Both instructors and support staff are outstanding. The course material, project assignments are well designed and mapped with industry standards. You get to learn by working on full-fledged ML projects.
Rohit Kumar
Everything about the training was absolutely amazing. Excellent Instructor and wonderful Customer Service. Highly recommend it.
neeraj verma review

Placement Highlights

Sarang Ashtankar
100 % Hike
Surbhi Singh
100 % Hike
Tech Lead
self assessment
Self Assessment Test

Learn, Grow & Test your skill with Online Assessment Exam to achieve your Certification Goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the prerequisites for taking up this Deep Learning & AI Certification training?

Having basic knowledge of Python is needed.

Why should you do Deep Learning & AI Certification from Gyansetu?

Though there are many online courses available online but we at Gyansetu understand that teaching any course is not difficult but to make someone job-ready is the most important task. This is the reason we have our course curriculum designed and delivered by industry experts along with capstone industry ready projects which will drive your learning through real-time IT industry scenarios and help in clearing interviews.

How long is the course duration?

The total duration of the Deep Learning & AI Certification course is 100 hours (50 Hours of live Instructor-Led training and 50 hours of self-paced learning).

We have seen getting a relevant interview call is not a big challenge in your case. Our placement team consistently works on industry collaboration and associations which help our students to find their dream job right after the completion of training. We help you prepare your CV by adding relevant projects and skills once 80% of the course is completed. Our placement team will update your profile on Job Portals, this increases relevant interview calls by 5x.

Interview selection depends on your knowledge and learning. As per the past trend, the initial 5 interviews are a learning experience of :-

  • What type of technical questions are asked in interviews
  • What are their expectations?
  • How should you prepare?

Our faculty team will constantly support you during interviews. Usually, students get job after appearing in 6-7 interviews.

We have seen getting a technical interview call is a challenge at times. Most of the time you receive sales job calls/ backend job calls/ BPO job calls. No Worries!!

Our Placement team will prepare your CV in such a way that you will have a good number of technical interview calls. We will provide you with interview preparation sessions and make you job ready. Our placement team consistently works on industry collaboration and associations which help our students to find their dream job right after the completion of training. Our placement team will update your profile on Job Portals, this increases relevant interview call by 3x.

Interview selection depends on your knowledge and learning. As per the past trend, initial 8 interviews are a learning experience of –

  • What type of technical questions are asked in interviews
  • What are their expectations?
  • How should you prepare?

Our faculty team will constantly support you during interviews. Usually, students get a job after appearing in 6-7 interviews.

We have seen getting a technical interview call is hardly possible. Gyansetu provides internship opportunities to the non-working students, so they have some industry exposure before they appear in interviews. Internship experience adds a lot of value to your CV and our placement team will prepare your CV in such a way that you will have a good number of interview calls. We will provide you with interview preparation sessions and make you job ready. Our placement team consistently works on industry collaboration and associations which help our students to find their dream job right after the completion of training and we will update your profile on Job Portals, this increases relevant interview call by 3x.

Interview selection depends on your knowledge and learning. As per the past trend, initial 8 interviews are a learning experience of :-

  • What type of technical questions are asked in interviews
  • What are their expectations?
  • How should you prepare?

Our faculty team will constantly support you during interviews. Usually, students get job after appearing in 6-7 interviews.

Yes, a 1:1 faculty discussion and demo session will be provided before admission. We understand the importance of trust between you and the trainer. We will be happy if you resolve all your queries before you start classes with us.

We understand the importance of every session. Session’s recording will be shared with you and in case of any query, faculty will give you extra time to answer your queries.

Yes, we understand that self-learning is most crucial and for the same we provide students with PPTs, PDFs, class recordings, lab sessions, etc., so that a student can get a good handle of these topics.

We provide an option to retake the course within 3 months from the completion of your course, so that you get more time to learn the concepts and do the best in your interviews.

We believe in the concept that having less students is the best way to pay attention to each student individually and for the same our batch size varies between 5-10 people.

Yes, we have batches available on weekends. We understand many students are in jobs and it’s difficult to take time for training on weekdays. Batch timings need to be checked with our counsellors on +91-9999201478.

Yes, we have batches available on weekdays but in limited time slots. Since most of our trainers are working, the batches are available in morning hours or in the evening hours. You need to contact our counsellors to know more about this on +91-9999201478.

You don’t need to pay anyone for software installation, our faculties will provide you with all the required software’s and will assist you in the complete installation process.

Our faculties will help you in resolving your queries during and after the course.

data analytics certification course in gurgaon
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