Advance Excel Course Syllabus And Structure You Should Consider

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Advanced Excel course in gurgaon

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Discover the essential skills that define proficiency in Advanced Excel with Gyan Setu’s renowned instructors. Having trained over 1 million students through diverse online and physical programs, they outline nine foundational categories crucial for mastering Advanced Excel.

At the core of Advanced Excel lies its ability to transform data through sophisticated formulas. Beyond basic functions like SUM and IF, advanced users adeptly wield complex tools such as SUMIFS, SUMPRODUCT, INDEX, MATCH, and LOOKUP. These formulas empower users to analyze data comprehensively, tackle intricate queries, and derive actionable insights.

Moreover, proficiency extends beyond formula application. Skilled practitioners excel in formula auditing, debugging, and strategic formula selection, ensuring efficient problem-solving and versatility in data manipulation.

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Power Query, Data, Tables, and Formatting

Advanced Excel users understand how to collect, organize, and compellingly display their data. To create amazing Excel workbooks, it’s important to have a solid grasp of capabilities like Power Query (Get & Transform Data), Tables, cell styles, and formatting choices.

Conditional Formatting

Excel has a strong feature called conditional formatting that is frequently underused. By using conditional formatting, you may instruct Excel to highlight sections of your data that satisfy any particular criterion, emphasizing the top 10 clients, underperforming workers, etc. Anyone can create basic conditional formatting rules, but a skilled Excel user is capable of much more. They may highlight data that satisfy practically any criterion by combining mathematics and conditional formatting.

Complex Charting

If all of your analysis is contained in a sizable spreadsheet, it is of little Use. advance Excel experts are aware that charts help us communicate clearly and impressively display results. The knowledge necessary for advanced charting includes,

  • Being able to choose the appropriate type of chart for every occasion
  • Being able to integrate many charts into one
  • Utilize tools like conditional formatting charts and in-cell charts.
  • Being able to create dynamic and interactive charts
  • Employ sparkplugs

Pivot Reporting & Pivot Tables

We can quickly and easily evaluate vast volumes of data with the help of pivot tables and reporting. Advanced Excel users are well familiar with the different capabilities of pivot tables and are skilled at using them. Relationships, multiple-table pivots, grouping, slicers, measures (Power Pivot), and summary by various metrics are a few of the more advanced pivot table capabilities.

Advanced Excel Syllabus

Introduction to Excel

A description of the interface, the menu system, and the fundamentals of spreadsheets

  • Various methods of selecting
  • Short Cut Keys

Personalising Excel

  • Changing Excel’s Default Options Using AutoCorrect and Customizing It Customizing the Ribbon

Understanding and Using Basic Functions

  • Using Functions – Sum, Average, Max, Min, Count, Counta
  • Absolute, Mixed, and Relative Referencing

Text Functions

  • Upper, Lower, Proper
  • Left, Mid, Right
  • Trim, Len, Exact
  • Concatenate
  • Find, Substitute

Arithmetic Functions

  • SumIf, SumIfs CountIf, CountIfs AverageIf, AverageIfs

Proofing and Formatting

  • Formatting Cells with Number formats, Font formats, Alignment, Borders, etc
  • Basic conditional formatting

Protecting Excel- Excel Security 

  • File Level Protection
  • Workbook, Worksheet Protection

Printing Workbooks

  1. Setting Up Print Area
  2. Customizing Headers & Footers
  3. Designing the structure of a template
  4. Print Titles –Repeat Rows / Columns

Advance Paste Special Techniques

  1. Paste Formulas, Paste Formats
  2. Transpose Tables
  3. Paste Validations

Time and Date Functions

  1. Today, Now
  2. Date, Date if, DateAdd
  3. Day, Month, Year
  4. Month, Weekday

New in Excel 2013 / 2016 & 365

  1. New Charts – Tree map & Waterfall
  2. Combo Charts – Secondary Axis
  3. Sunburst, Box, and whisker Charts
  4. Using Power Map and Power View
  5. Adding Slicers Tool in Pivot & Tables
  6. Sparklines -Line, Column & Win/ Loss
  7. Forecast Sheet
  8. Smart Lookup and manage Store
  9. New Controls in Pivot Table – Field, Items, and Sets
  10. Using 3-D Map
  11. Auto complete a data range and list
  12. Various Time Lines in Pivot Table
  13. Quick Analysis Tool

Filtering and Sorting

  1. Filtering on Text, Numbers & Colors
  2. Sorting Options
  3. Advanced Filters on 15-20 different criteria(s)

Printing Workbooks

  1. Setting Up Print Area
  2. Print Titles –Repeat Rows / Columns
  3. Designing the structure of a template
  4. Customizing Headers & Footers

Advance Excel

What-If Analysis

  1. Goal Seek
  2. Data Tables (PMT Function)
  3. Solver Tool
  4. Scenario Analysis

Data Validation

  1. Number, Date & Time Validation
  2. Dynamic Dropdown List Creation using Data Validation – Dependency List
  3. Custom validations based on a formula for a cell
  4. Text and List Validation

Logical Analysis

  1. If Function
  2. Complex if and or functions
  3. Nested If
  4. How to Fix Errors – iferror

Lookup Functions

  1. Vlookup / HLookup
  2. Vlookup with Helper Columns
  3. Creating Smooth User Interface Using Lookup
  4. Index and Match
  5. Reverse Lookup using Choose Function
  6. Nested VLookup
  7. Worksheet linking using Indirect

Arrays Functions

  1. What are the Array Formulas, Use of the Array Formulas?
  2. Array with if, len, and mid functions formulas.
  3. Basic Examples of Arrays (Using ctrl+shift+enter).
  4. Advanced Use of formulas with Array.
  5. Array with Lookup functions.

Here are the Uses of Microsoft Excel in Daily Life 

Pivot Tables

  1. Creating Simple Pivot Tables
  2. Classic Pivot table
  3. Basic and Advanced Value Field Setting
  4. Calculated Field & Calculated Items
  5. Grouping based on numbers and Dates

Excel Dashboard

  1. Planning a Dashboard
  2. Adding Dynamic Contents to Dashboard
  3. Adding Tables and Charts to Dashboard

Slicers and Charts

  1. Using SLICERS, Filter data with Slicers
  2. Various Charts i.e. Bar Charts / Pie Charts / Line Charts
  3. Manage Primary and Secondary Axis

VBA Macro

Introduction to VBA

  1. What Is VBA?
  2. Procedure and functions in VBA
  3. Recording a Macro
  4. What Can You Do with VBA?

Variables in VBA

  1. What are Variables?
  2. Using Non-Declared Variables
  3. Using Const variables
  4. Variable Data Types

Inputbox and Message Box Functions

  1. Customizing Msgboxes and Inputbox
  2. Reading Cell Values into Messages
  3. Various Button Groups in VBA

If and select statements

  1. Simple If Statements
  2. Defining select case statements
  3. The Elseif Statements

Looping in VBA

  1. Introduction to Loops and its Types
  2. Exiting from a Loop
  3. Advanced Loop Examples
  4. The Basic Dos and For Loop

Worksheet / Workbook Operations

  1. Merge Worksheets using Macro
  2. Split worksheets using VBA filters
  3. Worksheet copiers
  4. Merge multiple excel files into one-sheet

Mail Functions – VBA

  1. Using Outlook Namespace
  2. Outlook Configurations, MAPI
  3. Send automated mail

Develop Your Excel Skills

You must be well-versed in all of the aforementioned topics and more in order to utilize Excel at an advanced level. Our training packages are helpful in this situation. Over 10,000 individuals have been instructed by Gyan Setu tutors to become proficient Excel users. You may also take this class to learn how to use Excel at a high level.


Advance Excel Course Fees

The advance excel fees can depend on various factors like the training institutions, course duration, and the depth of the curriculum. 

On average, Advance Excel Course Fees can range from a few hundred to a few thousand rupees. Some institutions offer flexible payment plans, making it easier for individuals to manage the financial aspect of their education.

It’s essential for prospective students to consider the value they will receive from the course in relation to the fees. 

A course with a higher fee might offer additional benefits such as lifetime access to course materials, ongoing support, or certification, which can enhance the overall learning experience and boost the individual’s resume.

Advance Excel Interview Questions

One of the key motivations for enrolling in an Advanced Excel course is to enhance one’s employability. To prepare for potential job interviews, participants should be familiar with the types of questions commonly asked in interviews for roles that require Advanced Excel skills. Here are some of the advance excel interview questions:

1. Can you explain the difference between VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP?

This question assesses the candidate’s understanding of Excel’s lookup functions.

2. How would you use PivotTables to analyze sales data?

Testing the candidate’s ability to apply PivotTables in real-world scenarios.

3. What are the advantages of using named ranges in Excel?

Evaluating the candidate’s knowledge of data management techniques.

4. Can you demonstrate how to create a macro to automate a repetitive task?

Assessing the candidate’s practical skills in using macros for automation.

5. Explain the concept of data normalization and its significance in Excel.

Testing the candidate’s understanding of data integrity and normalization.

6. How would you handle and clean a dataset with missing or erroneous values?

Evaluating the candidate’s data cleansing and validation skills.

7. What are the benefits of using Power BI in conjunction with Excel?

Assessing awareness of the broader Microsoft ecosystem for data analysis.

8. How do you secure a sensitive Excel workbook containing confidential information?

Testing the candidate’s understanding of workbook security features.

9. Describe a situation where you used Excel to solve a complex business problem.

Evaluating the candidate’s practical application of Excel in a professional setting.

10. What is DAX, and how is it used in Power BI?

Assessing the candidate’s knowledge of advanced calculations in Power BI.

Preparing for these types of questions during the course and practicing hands-on applications will not only enhance the learning experience but also boost the confidence of individuals entering the job market.

Advance Excel Book

While an Advanced Excel course provides hands-on training and practical insights, having a reliable reference book can further enhance your understanding of the software. 

A recommended book serves as a valuable resource, offering in-depth explanations, examples, and tips to reinforce your learning. One such highly regarded book is “advance Excel 2016 Power Programming with VBA” by Michael Alexander and Richard Kusleika. 

This book delves into advanced Excel functionalities and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), providing readers with a comprehensive guide to Excel automation and programming.

Another notable resource is “Microsoft Excel 2019 Step by Step” by Curtis Frye. This book caters to users of varying skill levels, offering a structured approach to mastering Excel’s features. 

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, having a go-to Advance Excel Book on your shelf can be immensely beneficial when faced with complex tasks or seeking to deepen your knowledge.

Advance Excel Job Prospects

Successfully completing an Advanced Excel course significantly enhances your job prospects in today’s competitive market. Companies across industries value professionals who can harness the power of Excel for data analysis, reporting, and decision-making. Some of the Advance Excel Job Prospects are mentioned below:

  • Data Analyst: Analyzing and interpreting complex data sets to help companies make informed business decisions.

  • Financial Analyst: Creating financial models, forecasting, and budgeting using advanced Excel functions.

  • Business Intelligence Analyst: Developing and maintaining dashboards, reports, and data visualizations to aid strategic planning.

  • Project Manager: Utilizing Excel for project planning, tracking, and resource management.

  • Operations Manager: Optimizing business processes and streamlining operations through data analysis and reporting.

Advance Excel Course Duration

At Gyansetu, the Advanced Excel course duration varies based on the content’s depth and delivery mode. You can opt for intensive workshops lasting a few days or comprehensive programs spanning several weeks or months. Choose between accelerated, immersive learning or a part-time, extended program to suit your schedule and desired expertise level.

Frequently Asked Questions?

1. What distinguishes Excel from Advanced Excel?

Picture of advanced excel

The user focuses more on DSUM, DCOUNT, Pivot Table, Pivot Chart, Formulas, Functions, and Macros in Advanced Excel than in Basic Excel. Other crucial ideas to investigate when working with Advanced Excel include: If declarations. Total Products

2. Is advance Excel difficult?

advance Excel might be difficult to grasp if you’re a newbie and have no prior expertise with data or spreadsheets. But mastering the fundamentals is simple and only takes a short while, especially if you get some assistance from online classes.

3. What are the fundamental advance Excel skills?

  • Basic Excel User Skills
  • Count or Sum cells according to one or more criteria.
  • To summarise the data, construct a pivot table.
  • Incorporate both absolute and relative references in your formula.
  • Make a drop-down menu of choices in a cell to simplify data entering.
  • Sort a list of numbers or text without affecting the data.

4. The value of Excel certification

A Microsoft Excel certification will help you stand out on the job market and prove to hire managers that you have the skills required for the position. In some cases, applying for the post can even require you to have an Excel certification.

5. How quickly can I learn advance Excel?

Learning advance Excel doesn’t take weeks, months, or years to learn it. In reality, you can pick up most of Excel’s essential features in a single day. That is, provided you take a quality advance Excel course from a qualified instructor.








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