Is Data Science A Reliable Future Proof Career?

Gyansetu Team Data Science
data science training in gurgaon

Data science is a very promising career with enormous opportunities for growth and promotion in the future. The demand for data scientists is high, earnings are competitive, and the perks are numerous. This is why Data Scientist has been called “the most promising career” by LinkedIn and the “best job in America” by Glassdoor.

Back in 2009, Google Chief Economist Hal Varian told the McKinsey Quarterly that “the sexy job in the next 10 years will be statisticians.” It might have seemed unusual to use the words “sexy” and “statisticians” in the same sentence, but he was right. Ten years later, we are inundated with data—2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every day, much of which is just waiting to be utilized. According to researchers from MIT, “corporations in the top third of their industry in the use of data-driven decision-making were, on average, five percent more productive and six percent more profitable than their competitors”—a substantial margin when it comes to the bottom line.

All that being said, while specializations are important, data science does come with its challenges. Data scientists can anticipate being in a very comfortable role well into the future. If you’re looking to break into this exciting field, consider enrolling in data science training in Gurgaon with Gyansetu, a company known for its comprehensive and industry-relevant courses.

Is Data Science in Demand?

Yes, data science jobs are a few of the fastest-growing and most in-demand in technology. Since 2012, Data Scientist roles have boosted by 650 percent, and this peak indicates no sign of stopping. Moreover, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that the need for data science skills will improve another 27.9 percent by 2026. And, according to a statement from McKinsey, that spells a deficit of between 140,000 and 190,000 people with analytical aptitudes in the U.S. alone—not to comment on another 1.5 million managers and analysts who will be needed to comprehend how data analysis aims decision-making.

Data Scientist earnings have also risen with need; Data Scientists can generally anticipate making six figures. Demand also summarises an ability to resettle far more easily from city to city, and even internationally. Many institutes like iclass Gyansetu are growing day by day to educate more students about this growing field. 

What are the benefits of data science? 

  • Data analysis can utilize a data-driven strategy to furnish verifiable and evidence-based numbers that permit a corporation to attain its target audiences, find what its audiences appreciate, and then cater its products to that audience.
  • Using statistics and big data collection within the corporation, statisticians and data scientists can formulate projections and projections to authorize executives to modify operations based on these projections.
  • Data science can permit the business to boost security and defend information that may be sensitive. Detecting fraud based on regular behavior from a user can be accomplished by utilizing machine learning algorithms. Generating enormous clumps of data from these examples can permit machine learning to apprehend these occurrences with high precision.
  • Data science authorizes businesses to measure execution through data collection to make more educated judgments across the organization by utilizing trends and empirical evidence to assist them in coming up with explanations.

Thus, it is seen that data science has huge career scope and it is not stopping anytime soon as more and more companies are giving importance to this evolving field.

Gyansetu Team

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